I see the success of James Patterson and his co-authorship of some of the titles in his portfolio and wonder if their are other established authors who might consider doing something similar, albeit for different reasons.
Patterson is an immensely successful thriller writer of a large number of books. Clearly writer's block has not been a problem with him. It may however be a problem for other published authors, perhaps struggling to follow up a successful debut or having published many novels, have simply run out of ideas. The problem may be compounded if the author has a problem fulfilling a publishing contract.
Is there a need to match needy published authors with those whose work will never be published because they are newcomers and do not qualify as a 'celebrity'? As a writer myself, I would welcome interest in my work from an established author to work on a collaboration. Besides Patterson's initiative, there have been other examples of collaboration. At the end of his life, Dick Francis was known to work with his son, Felix, on his last novels.
The collaboration could be totally anonymous, or recognised in part. What is important is that both authors gain from the association.
So, let me say here that any published author's who would like to investigate the possibility of collaboration, please contact me, in complete confidence, at: kevilldavies@yahoo.com., stating the genre of books they write.
Similarly, if you are an unpublished author and are happy to share your ideas for reward, please also contact me at the above email address. (Please do not submit any work.)
There is a lot of good work being produced out there and too much emphasis by agencies and publishers on a select few. My aim is to try and spread the rewards around.
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