Thursday, 5 August 2010

Mini-golf revolution

Cricket has had a timely make-over. Slowly dying from lack of interest in the three or five day game, it has surged on the introduction of the one day, limited over game.
Snooker, too, was suffering from matches that took two evenings or sessions to complete. Now, we hear, a new, faster game of snooker has been devised that is set to revolutionise the game.
Could the same trend happen to mini-golf? Boring and childish are two criticisms that could be levelled at a game requiring little skill and strategy.

Has the time arrived for Two-Ball Golf and Titan, the two putting games I have devised. Both require skill and strategy and little room. For more information on the game go to my web-site by clicking on the link on this blog or to see the game played click on the link below.

For ideas on how this game can be made television suitable, contact me.

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