Friday, 6 July 2012

Army under threat from Politicians

The British armed forces are once again under threat from their own politicians. At the desptach box politicians on all sides are quick to praise the devotion and courage of the men and women who fearlessly fight the Nation's battles but when the summer silly season beckons the knives are out and they are stabbing the troops in the back from all directions.

First we learn that more battalians are to be lost from the army reducing the number of troops to the lowest level since before the Napoleonic wars. This, at a time when we are waging a major war and are being threatened in the South Atlantic and possibly the Middle east. The Government say they need to make more cuts but when the defence council legal-aid bill for Abu Hanza's never-ending appeals to deportation reach in excess of one million pounds one must wonder if the Government couldn't do better with the taxpayers money.
I accept that the role of infantry is changing and research into the development of robots might reduce battlefield casualties but there will always be a need for men on the ground and an army of just over eighty thousand is too small. The current levels of one hundred and ten thousand strikes me as being about right because at least it gives a structure that meets both the Nation's needs and leaves in place a vital and irreplaceable Regimental system that is vital for the morale and efficacy of the army's fighting force.

Secondly, the miserable bastards are re-opening the case of 'Bloody Sunday', forty years after the event with a view to bringing murder charges against members of presumably the parachute regiment. After forty years will they get a fair trial and hasn't enough British taxpayer's money been spent? While the British are going out of their way to bring peace and reconciliation to the troubled island, the Politicians are determined to discredit one of the worlds foremost armies; an army that didn't want to be there; whose soldiers had no free will because they were ordered to be there instead of with their loved ones fighting an enemy that indiscriminately bombed women and children.

Cameron is losing the membership of the Conservative Party in droves. He is all mouth and no action and needs to stand down in favour of a man or woman with more balls when standing up for the interests of the United Kingdom. Nigel Farage has challenged him to a debate on Europe. It would be a walkover but can I ask Mr Cameron when he goes to take that lightweight Chancellor, George Osborne, with him.

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