Sunday, 24 March 2013

Dr. David Kelly update

It is an inconvenient truth that the Dr. Kelly incident of 2003 still poses problems for the so called 'Democratic' government of the UK.
A report in the Daily Mail says:

'A former British diplomat has revealed he was ‘warned’ by the senior civil servant running

the Iraq Inquiry not to mention the late biological weapons expert Dr David Kelly when

giving evidence.

Carne Ross, the UK’s Iraq expert  at the UN Security Council between 1998 and 2002, said he

was told by the ‘very aggressive’ official that if he discussed Dr Kelly during his

testimony, he would be silenced.

It is understood the official who delivered the order was Margaret Aldred, secretary of the

Iraq Inquiry chaired by Sir John Chilcot.'

Read more:  Daily Mail
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Dr. Kelly remains the only person in English legal history not to be accorded an inquest on his death. What does the Government fear? In not holding an inquest did they really have the family's interests at heart? Now, almost ten years after his death, it is surely right for the Government to be frank, like Chancellor Osborne and the economy, with the british people about what really happened that July day.

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