Wednesday 14 August 2013

Preparing for the new season

It was a pertinent time, just ahead of the Premier League's new season,  for the BBC to screen Clarke Carlisle's documentary on suicide amongst football professionals. It was a reminder that a footballer's life is not all glamour and riches.
We wish him and the PFA (Professional Footballer's Association) best wishes in their quest to support players that fall into depression as a result of the pressures on mainly young men who want to make their uncertain way in the 'beautiful game'.

It is also an apposite time to mention my most recent novel, 'The George at Bustington' in which the private lives of football players and others, connected to the sport, are exposed.
Against the ever present background stain of corruption and criminality in the game, the stories of love, lust and piracy, expose other taboo themes such as homosexuality and incest.

As we prepare for the new season, download 'The George at Bustington' from Amazon at:

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