Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Who do your children take after? Part 1

As a parent, have you ever wondered where your children come from? Have you ever heard parents wondering where their little Johnnie came from; so different is he from both parents and  totally unlike his siblings? Of course some physical characteristics such as hair and eye colour can be identified with near family but what about the mental character or as I'm tempted to call it, the soul? Does it follow Mendelian genetic rules or is there another source; one far removed from the immediate family?
It is difficult to argue that a person's character is forged in a combination of nature and nurture but what constitutes the 'nature' part of the equation. Could it be that shortly after conception, as the brain is assembled by stem cells, it draws information from its parents' DNA in the same way that a computer is loaded with software to make it function. But what is this information and how does the nascent brain acquire the information. It is my argument that the brain trawls the parent's DNA for a 'character' using 'unreal' or negative time.
According to my theory unreal time is the means by which a brain remembers the past and is one of the THREE dimensions of time. The others are 'real' time which recognises the here and now and 'imaginary' time that allows for anticipation of a future, analysis, problem solving, creativity and is responsible for the ineffable traits such as love and artistic appreciation.
The idea of three dimensions of time is not new. Thomas Aquinas identified 'tempus' as earthly time (real), 'aevum' as angelic time (unreal) and 'aeternitas' time for those who knew God. (Imaginary time). Professor Hawking in his book, 'A Brief History of Time' also introduced the concept of 'Imaginary Time'.
It is my contention that each generation of forbears is recorded in a person's DNA as intimated in Psalm 90, verse 1 of the Holy Bible. We shall see that this Psalm and its reference to 'seventy' (three score and ten) and 'eighty' plays an important part in what I have to say.
Using 'unreal' time the brain selects a character from either one of the parental DNAs and uploads the information. At this stage I'm tempted to suggest that it is a random selection and that it is impossible to say whether this character is either a saint, a sinner or something in between.
Is there any proof for this theory? It is difficult to say but we have one clue, again taken from the Bible where some detailed hereditary information  is available and it involves Jesus. Can we identify the Character which was downloaded into Mary and Joseph's child through their DNA? I believe we can and the realisation will make the hairs on your neck stand up. Seventy generations before Jesus a Patriarch, the father of Methuselah, lived; a man known for his piety because it is said that he walked with God. Enoch was special; very special because alone of all the ancient Patriarchs, he lived 365 years, and then 'God took him away'. All the other Patriarchs, as recorded in Genesis, lived and died. But not Enoch; he alone did not die, possibly a precursor of his later ancestor, Jesus, who, according to the scriptures, also did not die but ascended into heaven near Bethany.

In the next part we shall see why nature may not be so randomly selective and why seventy to eighty generations seems relevant.


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