Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Can the Criminal Justice System cope?

The Governor of the Bank of England intimates that many bankers have committed illegal acts in the past and should face trial. Also in the light of Operation Yewtree, the police have found over 50000 men in possession of illegal computer images of paedophilia. The question is: can the criminal justice system cope with not only the imprisonment of offenders but also their trials?
This is not a time for long drawn out proceedings with expensive drawn out legal arguments that cost the taxpayers a fortune and make the lawyers and barristers the same. Particularly for the bankers' trials, trials should be held without juries on the grounds that arguments will be beyond the understanding of many of the chosen twelve. In any case people (mostly if not all men) found in possession of indecent images should be encouraged to plead guilty. Forget arguments that they are doing research or that they didn't know the images were on the computer; we're sick of hearing the excuses trotted out by legal teams to earn their Chambers huge fees at the public expense. Good justice is quick justice it is said and these crimes should be dealt with as speedily as possible but where to put the guilty?
To cope with the numbers new prisons should be built with no thought to the human rights of prisoners who gave none to their victims. They should be solitarily locked up in small cells with no intermingling with other convicts and no visits from outside. Complaints that this is barbaric should have been addressed before the crime was committed. Food should be basic but additions paid for and supplied by family. There will be no television except for educational and correctional purposes and only suitable reading material on offer. Such a regime should be economic to run, relatively trouble free and with the bonus that inmates will need less time to come to their senses. Once out the chances of reoffending ought to be reduced. This is not the time to be going soft on those who abuse others whether financially or sexually. We need our resources to help the innocent, the many victims of despicable behaviour often perpetrated by those who are in priveleged positions. Weed them out and lock 'em up, NOW.

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