Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Rewarding failure

That the UK is in parts being swamped by immigrants is not in doubt. Nor is it in doubt that over many years the Home Office has been responsible for staggering ineptitude in dealing with the problem. Tens of thousands of immigrants have disappeared from the system demonstrating that the department has no effective controls of the UK's borders. And yet, why have I a feeling that out of this miasma, civil servants and politicians will be awarded peerages and medals rather than the sack; that the undeserving will be promoted or walk with pay-offs and pensions totally at odds with their performance as servants of the British people.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Why do people have tattoos?

A young woman teacher was sent home from a school for showing too much tattoed flesh and sporting facial piercings. Naturally, she is upset and doubtless at a loss to explain why people object to what she thinks of as exquisite body art.
Why do people feel the need to decorate and violate their bodies in this way when it seems to defy logic?
It is my belief (See my book: Spiritual man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions), that this woman felt compelled to act as she did because the character she was born with, the one she was given when her brain was being loaded with data from her parents heritage, was a character from a location and culture that admired body art. This character may have lived many generations ago in a population that accepted body art and piercings as a way of life. I believe that it is still popular in South Pacific islands.
Sadly for this woman her need to violate her perfect body is not appreciated by her colleagues and bosses who see her habit as outdated tribalism belonging to a by-gone age and culture likely to provoke unease in her young and impressionable students. Sadly, her character, despite being nurtured in the twenty-first century, persists in showing traits from a previous life. It is why children often disappoint parents who expect their offspring to match their own immediate aspirations, never better demonstrated than in the family of the recently deceased Duke of Marlborough who famously threatened to disinherit his son, thought of as a family bĂȘte noir.

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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Burnham draws the battle lines for the 2015 General Election

Andy Burnham has seemingly identified the core issues on which the Labour Party will fight the 2015 General Election. The electorate have a stark choice; the Tories will cut tax for the wealthy whilst Labour will 'save' the NHS.
The NHS is probably the only issue that the Labour Party feels safe to address, lacking credibility in every other facet of Government. Their leader is vilified as an incompetent whilst they have nothing to say on the economy especially with Ed Balls still in his post.
Burnham's tactics are simply put; he is frightening the ageing and infirm public that the NHS is not safe in the hands of a Tory Party that will privatise the service and pose a risk to the mantra that it is free at the point of need. That the Labour Party introduced the private sector into the NHS to reduce waiting lists seems to him to be irrelevent. So too the fact that the Labour Party used extortionately expensive PFI contracts to enable their promises to build new hospitals and the fact that these contracts persist in being a massive drain on the healthcare budget. Despite spending and wasting so much money on an expense to the taxpayer, the Labour Party continue to play a fear card that a vulnerable and gullible public understand.
What the public should really want to hear is about projects that don't spend more of their money but create wealth for everyone and this includes the premise that a penny saved is as good as a penny earned. To make the priority of an incoming Government the spending of more public money seems a pathetic dereliction of duty. The NHS is a massive drain on the economy and yet it addresses totally negative issues, namely ill and therefore unproductive people. To my mind, much of the problem is the very idea that it is free at the point of need. It is a universally acknowledged fact that when the public are faced with a free option they abuse it to the point of gluttony. A & E centres are populated with people wanting attention for trivial matters and the compensation laws put the doctors and nurses in fear of being sued if they do not comply. Why not charge people, not on benefits, to attend A & E centres or GP's surgeries?

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Where has the £46 billion gone?

The London stock exchange saw £46 billion wiped off the value of shares yesterday in what was a global sell off.
But who are the real losers? I suspect it is thousands of private investors who put their hard earned cash into stocks rather than leave it in low interest bank saving accounts. I suspect also that pension funds suffered leaving the man in the street short after a lifetime of toil. But as is always the case with the financial markets, where you have losers you must have winners. Step forward the hedge funds and private banks with huge wealth management portfolios creating yet more polarisation in the 'have' and 'have-not' population. It will all end in tears.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Change of Direction for the Churches?

Catholic bishops meeting to discuss 'family issues' at a two week summit have said unmarried couples living together can be 'positive', and gay relationships and divorces must be welcomed.
Displaying remarkably liberal attitudes for a Church famed for its conservatism, bishops meeting in the Vatican today also said that a couples' decision on the use of contraception should be respected.
The summit, which reached its midway point today, has been described as a 'step in the right direction' by activists and boasts all the hallmarks of the notably progressive attitudes the Catholic Church has adopted since the ascension of Pope Francis last year.
So says the Daily Mail today.

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This meeting and the apparent change in the long standing attitudes of the bishops towards unmarried couples, homosexuals and divorcees heralds a new approach to morality by the Church; a change, moreover, not linked to any obvious divine intervention. It follows hard on the  heels of the confession of the Archbishop of Canterbury that he often doubts the existence of God.
Are the Churches heeding my appeal that in order to bring peace to the world in the twenty-first century, faith in the existence of a God should be abandoned in favour of appreciating the innate spirituality of mankind. It was always my belief that the Muslims and Jews would take longer to throw off the shackles of their beliefs but with science always pushing the limits of knowledge it is inevitable that even they fall into line with the new secular reality. Could it be that Justin Welby and Pope Francis have made a start in what will be a long and arduous journey?


Saturday, 11 October 2014

Labour defectors

With the current surge of popular support for UKIP, rumours abound that some Labour members of Parliament may follow the lead of two Conservatives and defect to join Nigel Farage.
If I was to hazard a guess the two I'd fancy to spurn the Labour whip would be Frank Field and and his former PPS, Kate Hoey.
We shall see.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Life after death

A friend of mine recently told me that following his eighth heart attack he could hear the voices of the medical staff explaining to his wife that he was unlikely to survive. He then found himself walking in an incredibly beautiful garden; the like of which he had never known. Suddenly he saw a bench and feeling tired he sat down before regaining consciousness. He now feels that he had an after death experience.

A report in the Daily Mail describes work carried out at Southampton University into near death experiences, much like that described above.   
Lead scientist Dr Sam Parnia said:   'Clearly, the recalled experience surrounding death now merits further genuine investigation without prejudice.'  

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I believe this can be explained by my theory of negative dimensions which assigns three values to time instead of the usual one. On death, the 'imaginary' time component persists for as long as the brain, using what oxygen it has, operates. This may last for a few minutes and is, I believe, how the brain prepares the  person for eventual death in the same way it prepares the body for life from the very start. Read the full story in my book: Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions. Available for download to Kindle and Kobo

Sunday, 5 October 2014


It seems that more and more people are being diagnosed with  depression. There are, of course, several types of depresssion but each of them is debilitating for the sufferers. But what is the cause and why does it seem to be growing?

Readers of my book, SPIRITUAL MAN: AN INTRODUCTION TO NEGATIVE DIMENSIONS, will know that I suggest that the human brain works in three time dimensions, an idea first described by Thomas Aquinas. He described 'tempus' as earthly time, 'aevum' as 'angelic' time and 'aeternitas' as a time reserved for those who knew God. In my theory earthly time (t) is that which we experience and which I call 'real' time. 'Unreal' time, (-t), responsible for the power of recall allows memory and is instrumental in forming the 'character' of people. 'Imaginary' time, (it, where i is the square root of minus one) suggested by Professor Hawking in his book 'A Brief History of Time' as a means of avoiding singularities, gives humans the power to think and compute using all the data collected by the 'unreal' time and the present circumstances as experienced by the senses. It is also responsibility for mankind's innate spirituality.

At conception, the newly developing foetus has a new brain. Like a computer it needs software to operate and this comes from the DNA of the parents, a record  of life that goes back to the very first single cell. The 'unreal' time component of the brain trawls the DNA for data to help the child survive including a character. Unlike hair or eye colour this may not come from close relatives but from one who lived generations before. How many times have we heard parents lament that they don't know where little Johnnie came from? It's also why two siblings can be completely different having been nurtured in the same household.

Is it possible that a character from the past, despite being prepared by the 'imaginary' time component of the brain for life and nurtured in the modern era, cannot cope with modern day living? Might depression, in its many guises, be the consequence of a software incompatability evolved over many generations and is it possible that the problems are getting worse leading to more and more people inexplicably suffering depression despite evidence that they ought to be happy and content?