Sunday, 19 October 2014

Burnham draws the battle lines for the 2015 General Election

Andy Burnham has seemingly identified the core issues on which the Labour Party will fight the 2015 General Election. The electorate have a stark choice; the Tories will cut tax for the wealthy whilst Labour will 'save' the NHS.
The NHS is probably the only issue that the Labour Party feels safe to address, lacking credibility in every other facet of Government. Their leader is vilified as an incompetent whilst they have nothing to say on the economy especially with Ed Balls still in his post.
Burnham's tactics are simply put; he is frightening the ageing and infirm public that the NHS is not safe in the hands of a Tory Party that will privatise the service and pose a risk to the mantra that it is free at the point of need. That the Labour Party introduced the private sector into the NHS to reduce waiting lists seems to him to be irrelevent. So too the fact that the Labour Party used extortionately expensive PFI contracts to enable their promises to build new hospitals and the fact that these contracts persist in being a massive drain on the healthcare budget. Despite spending and wasting so much money on an expense to the taxpayer, the Labour Party continue to play a fear card that a vulnerable and gullible public understand.
What the public should really want to hear is about projects that don't spend more of their money but create wealth for everyone and this includes the premise that a penny saved is as good as a penny earned. To make the priority of an incoming Government the spending of more public money seems a pathetic dereliction of duty. The NHS is a massive drain on the economy and yet it addresses totally negative issues, namely ill and therefore unproductive people. To my mind, much of the problem is the very idea that it is free at the point of need. It is a universally acknowledged fact that when the public are faced with a free option they abuse it to the point of gluttony. A & E centres are populated with people wanting attention for trivial matters and the compensation laws put the doctors and nurses in fear of being sued if they do not comply. Why not charge people, not on benefits, to attend A & E centres or GP's surgeries?

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