Monday, 13 October 2014

Change of Direction for the Churches?

Catholic bishops meeting to discuss 'family issues' at a two week summit have said unmarried couples living together can be 'positive', and gay relationships and divorces must be welcomed.
Displaying remarkably liberal attitudes for a Church famed for its conservatism, bishops meeting in the Vatican today also said that a couples' decision on the use of contraception should be respected.
The summit, which reached its midway point today, has been described as a 'step in the right direction' by activists and boasts all the hallmarks of the notably progressive attitudes the Catholic Church has adopted since the ascension of Pope Francis last year.
So says the Daily Mail today.

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This meeting and the apparent change in the long standing attitudes of the bishops towards unmarried couples, homosexuals and divorcees heralds a new approach to morality by the Church; a change, moreover, not linked to any obvious divine intervention. It follows hard on the  heels of the confession of the Archbishop of Canterbury that he often doubts the existence of God.
Are the Churches heeding my appeal that in order to bring peace to the world in the twenty-first century, faith in the existence of a God should be abandoned in favour of appreciating the innate spirituality of mankind. It was always my belief that the Muslims and Jews would take longer to throw off the shackles of their beliefs but with science always pushing the limits of knowledge it is inevitable that even they fall into line with the new secular reality. Could it be that Justin Welby and Pope Francis have made a start in what will be a long and arduous journey?


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