Wednesday 6 May 2015

Qualification for standing

UKIP candidate, Mr Robert Blay, has been suspended from the Party by threatening to shoot a Conservative rival if he (the rival) ever became Prime Minister. It seems that Mr Blay was outraged by the fact that Mr Ranil Jawardena's father came from Sri Lanka.
Whilst having reservations about the shooting, in the main thrust of his argument I believe he is absolutely right. Mr Blay argued that he could trace his families British heritage over 400 years whilst the Jawardenas arrived in 1970. It should not be possible for a first generation immigrant to hold any position of power over the British people and that includes Baroness Warsi and Ed Miliband. I have spoken of this before: here,   here,  & here

There should be a minimum of two generations living in the UK as residents before a person qualifies to hold Council or Parliamentary positions. No ifs; no buts.

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