

Novelist. Author of APSARAS and tales from the beautiful Saigh Valley. First person to quantify spiritual values.

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Monday, 1 June 2015

Is God the problem?

Yesterday's (31st May) 'The Big Questions' on the BBC posed the one question; is God the problem?
To what? one was minded to say but it didn't really matter since most participants were believers offering up their own interpretations without really addressing the fundamental issues.

Amongst those taking part were:
Director of the Religion and Society Programme at Lancaster University professor Linda Woodhead,
Rabbi Miriam Berger of Finchley Reform Synagogue,
Professor Alister McGrath of Oxford University;
Daphne Hampson of the Theology Faculty at Oxford University,
Professor Kate Cooper of Manchester University,
Reverend David Patterson of Sea of Faith,
Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens,
Nabeel Qureshi of the Oxford Centre for Apologetics,
Dr Robert J Asher. Palaeontologist of Cambridge University,
Director of City Sikhs Network Jasvir Singh Degun
Canon doctor Chris Sugden of Anglican Mainstream.

Nobody, it seems, put forward the idea that the world would be a better place without a God or, indeed, that it was possible for this to be possible in practice. In the absence of any real debate, I suggest that all the above read my book 'Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions' and learn an alternative view of the world about us; one postulated by the Biblical account of the creation in the first book of cosmology, Genesis. 'In the beginning, God created the heavens and earth'.

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