Tuesday, 9 February 2016

A romance....

It is May 2020; Jeremy Corbyn's Labour Party have won a landslide victory in the General Election even winning the seat, Witney, of ex Prime Minister Cameron. Corbyn's party, under the anti-austerity banner and organised by the efficient Momentum group had mobilised their supporters from every disaffected group in the Nation from ex-prisoners, trade unions and ethnic minorities, stirring up old prejudices with promises of future rewards.
Her Majesty the Queen had invited Corbyn to form  a Government and he'd accepted, telling Her Majesty that he intended to. What he didn't tell her was that he was about to declare the Country a republic despite it not being in his manifesto to do so. After his victory he had received calls of congratulations from the Irish Taoiseach and the leaders of Hamas and Hezbollah whilst declining to take a call from the President of the United States, Donald Trump.
His first task on assuming office had been to summon the Chief of the General Staff with the news that the Army, Navy and Air Force were to be disbanded with officers' pensions halved. Withdrawal from Nato and the disbandment of Trident swiftly followed. Next, the new Home Secretary, McDonnell, announced that the Police Force was, in the future, to be run directly from No. 10 as a personal protection force for the Cabinet. Dissidents were sacked with no pension rights.
The Church of England was then stripped of all rights, St Pauls and Westminster Abbey being converted into mosques.
Her Majesty the Queen was then informed that she and her family were no longer welcome in the Country, her properties to be forfeit and she had to go into exile. It was too much for the Monarch and she died in days from a broken heart. Corbyn refused her a state funeral, softening only to permit her ashes to be scattered over a rose garden in her beloved Windsor Castle before it was turned into a madrassa. Her escort, the Duke of Edinbrough, died shortly afterwards, according to his staff, also of a broken heart. Charles chose to be exiled in Canada but his sons William and Henry took their families to the US where they were granted citizenship and immediate celebrity status.
Corbyn then took over Buckingham Palace as the new Labour Party headquarters, famously standing on the balcony with his brother Piers to wave to the crowds of supporters, mainly bussed in immigrants. The head of the Bank of England was summoned to the plush new offices in the palace to be told to print more money to reward his supporters. Next he had to make good on his pledge for more council housing. The heads of the major building firms were summoned and told that they had to build state owned homes at low cost on the sites of old barracks and airfields or lose their licenses. Tenants, mostly Muslim immigrants, were told that their accommodation was dependent on their continued support of the Labour Party.
All traces of British imperial past were excluded from the school curriculum and all statues of former heroes, Churchill, Dowding, Thatcher were ordered to be torn down and replaced with effigies of the Tolpuddle martyrs and Trade Union leaders. Similarly with all street names and public parks or areas. Trafalgar Square was renamed Scargill Square. Following the first state visit by a foreign dignitary, the Prime Minister of the Irish Republic, flanked by Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness, Northern ireland was forcibly returned to the Irish Republic amidst much rejoicing on the Falls Road and much dismay in the Shankill Road.
The nationalisation of the railways and abuse of corporate powers had seen a flight of big companies from the UK leading to huge stock market losses and major removal of capital from the Country. The Bank of England was forced to print more money to keep the cogs of power turning but the NHS was now in permanent decline as most doctors had emigrated leaving behind a non-English speaking rump. Arabic was fast becoming the first language of public health.
Within two years, the Country, out of direction and leadership, was spiralling to a chaotic and catastrophic end with all that made the Country great, its culture, its tradition but most of all the fair minded Britishness of the indigenous peoples, gone. You cannot build a Constitution around Human Rights. It just doesn't work.

Across the Nation, in the Shires and Home Counties, more and more people tended to place a jug of water on their dining tables and in increasing numbers raise their glasses above to toast the King (Across The Water). The fight back had begun.

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