Thursday, 30 March 2017

Corbyn's Ireland

The leader of the UK opposition, Corbyn has suggested that allowing Ulster a referendum on merging with the Republic held the possibility that the island could be reunited, thereby solving the problem of hard borders in the light of Brexit. There is another solution.
It is a matter of record that the Republic failed to ratify the Lisbon Agreement in June 2008. Following this rebuttal, the arrogant EU demanded that the Irish rerun the referendum, this time (2009) returning what was for them the correct result. The 'yes' result was followed by outrage and much speculation about voting corruption.
It leads one to imagine that it is possible that the Republic might be minded to follow the UK out of the EU. This would be sensible as the UK is the largest of the Republic's markets, not to mention the historical and geographical association, but why might this help? If the Republic left the EU, they would be free to join a new trade association with the UK, one where there would be no hard border and free movement of citizens as obtains today. The tie would become as close to uniting the counties as one that is possible without the secession of Northern Ireland from the UK. Indeed the new entity could be referred to as the islands of the UK and Ireland in the same way as we currently refer to GB and Northern Ireland. It might be a union that will appease the forces of violence and allow the citizens of both parts of the island of Ireland lasting peace.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Khalid Masood/ Adrian Elms. Who is he?

Khalid Masood/ Adrian Elms. Who is he? The Westminster killer was brought up in a Christian family but by his late teens he was in trouble with the police. At school he was considered popular with a particular fondness for sports, particularly football, with little or no interest in religion. So what triggered this transformation?
His mother was a 17 year old woman in East Sussex and his father was thought to be an Afro-Carribean man. I believe that character (soul) is a mixture of nature and nurture. I further believe that the natural part of the mixture is the inheritance of the character of an ancestor, from either side of the family, often from many generation ago. During the early years it is plausible to assume that the parental love and care allows the nurturing process to prevail and presumably continue until some trigger allows the underlying character to come through. At some time, either through grooming in prison or by social media, Elms became radicalised and morphed into Masood. But why? when many others resist this brainwashing. The clue might be in his Afro-Carribean background.
The Carribean under European control needed slaves to work the sugar cane and other farms. The slaves principally came from Africa, amongst them those from Islamic lands taken from their homes by traffikers, often Africans from countries such as the former Dahomey who sold them on to slave traders. Once in the Carribean they would have been forced to convert to mainly Roman Catholicism whilst practising their home religion in secret. Could it be that Elms, faced with a vision of radical Islam found the trigger to awaken a latent character he was compelled to embrace? Could it be why he found it so easy to become a jihadist, why he was able to undertake a crime of horrifying proportions despite an upbringing that eschewed such behaviour. He had become that jihadist of old in mind and body like many others AND chillingly, like many in the years to come.
Of course, this may occur with Europeans whose ancestors may have been crusaders.

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Is Erdogan the most dangerous man on earth?

Forget Trump, forget Kim Jong-un, could it be that the most dangerous man on earth is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of Turkey. Following the Dutch refusing his Party permission to hold a political rally in the Netherlands in favour of his referendum position by denying entry to the Turkish Minister of Housing, Erdogan has accused the Dutch Government of being fascists and promising that the 'harshest penalties' will follow. Make no mistake, this is the rhetoric of war.
Erdogan's referendum is seeking changes to the Turkish constitution that move away from the aspirations of Ataturk for a modern  secular democracy and more towards an Islamic republic. Erdogan's association with the Muslim Brotherhood cannot be denied and this league's aims are intrinsically linked to global Islamification.
Since the Muslim Brotherhood were ousted by the military coup in Egypt, the Brotherhood has moved many of its functions to Erdogan's Turkey. see the report by: AL ARABIYA INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES:

If successful, Erdogan will effectively control the executive and judiciary in Turkey, leading to a powerful Islamic state on the edge of Europe, not unlike the Ottoman caliphate that the President aspires to. The Caliphate was not built by word of God alone; it was built by military force, gainsaying the claim that the religion is one of peace. Bollocks!

Saturday, 11 March 2017

could post mortem brain activity be a proof of the three dimensionality of time?

Canadian doctors highlight a case where brain activity has been seen in a clinically dead person 10 minutes later. See here:

Could this be a proof of the three dimensional nature of time? The Davies Hypothesis
posits that the brain operates in three dimensions of time. 'Unreal' time, associated with the past, is responsible for knowledge and memory. 'Real' time brain activity continuously monitors the senses in the present, allowing us to identify our situation in the here and now and giving us understanding. 'Imaginary' time, associated with the future, utilises knowledge and understanding to find solutions and suggest courses of action. It is also responsible for dreaming, the acquisition of wisdom and appreciation of the arts and the abstract. The brain operates with all three aspects of time, often at the same time, leading to rapid response. But where's the proof?
It is my belief that when the heart stops. so too does 'real' and 'unreal' time leaving 'imaginary' time to function alone until lack of oxygenated blood causes the onset of decay. During this period, the 'imaginary' time function continues to dream, preparing the body, as it has since embryonic days, for what comes next in life, in this case final death. These final dreams as with many may come with visions, often of peaceful scenes of gardens, tunnels with comforting bright lights exuding feelings of sublime ecstacy. Often these visions have religious themes, but nearly all, I suggest, lead the dying towards a peaceful and often welcome end.
Are there other conditions that point to the brain operating in three dimensions of time? What about a condition from which I suffer- sleep paralysis? The condition arises, usually in bed, when a person sleeping soundly becomes aware that they cannot move their arms and legs although the muscles of the heart and lungs continue to operate. This terrifying condition causes panic which can last for what seems like minutes. I try, with great difficulty, to attract my wife's attention and she, recognising the problem, has to shake me, often very vigorously, to full consciousness. Medical web sites suggest the condition is not serious but I believe that those who die of heart attacks during these episodes cannot tell their stories. It really is frightening but what causes it? In this case I believe that it is the 'imaginary' time component that is switched off. The 'real' time aspect of the brain switches on, the 'unreal' time responsible for memory recognises the situation but the 'imaginary' time continues in dreaming mode and does not respond to the stimuli to switch on the waking up signal by for instance telling the relevant gland to produce cortisol. (The heart and lung function continues to operate under a much older order of brain activity, programmed to work continuously at all time.)
Doctors and psychiatrists might think of other conditions that could be explained by the three dimensional nature of time. Get in touch.

Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Lord Heseltine has been sacked by the Conservative party for his stance on Brexit. He voted in favour of amendments to the bill allowing the Prime Minister to trigger article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the precursor of the UK's leaving the EU. These amendments were designed, despite arguments to the contrary, to delay or obstruct the process of leaving the EU whilst simultaneously pushing for a second referendum they hoped would overturn the first. It was a cynical ruse, using the spurious claim that Brexiteers wanted to return sovereignty to the British Parliament, therefore it follows that Parliament should vote on the final terms, rather than allow the Government of the day to act on behalf of the Nation.

His preoccupation with the European Union suggests that he clearly has NO faith in the British people being able to cope on their own and NO belief that the Country can function better without the cloying bureaucracy of the European red tape. Many people will view his stance of having no confidence in the British, as one of giving comfort to an enemy, as one bordering on the treacherous.

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Slaves or immigrants?

Ben Carson the black, African -american, new secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development has compared slaves with immigrants attracting widespread criticism from the usual suspects, the luvvie liberal left and civil rights groups who called his remarks offensive. But hasn't he got a point.
Those originally taken from West Africa for slavery were taken under duress, forced to endure miserable conditions whilst being chained and brutally treated. They were forced to work for long arduous hours on minimum or no pay and denied any sort of freedom for hundreds of years. Yet, some of those slaves may have been pleased to leave the hopeless, disease ridden life of the native mud hut African economy and inter tribal feuding to seek a better life (or die). And is this not the case today?
African immigrants cannot rely on European slave traders to take them, they have to arrange their own version of escape, risking many life threatening perils to find a better life (or die) away from the squalor of the African and Middle Eastern hell holes. Only this time the liberal elite cannot blame rich European landowners of a crime. This time the diaspora of people moving to the green fields of northern Europe and the US are the people themselves. In the days of slavery, the migrants had no choice but is it not the case that because of what happened they DID forge for their descendants the better life they hoped for and that without slavery many African Americans like Ben Carson would not be living a relatively good life compared with their relatives in Benin and elsewhere. You could make a case for saying that many African Americans should jolly well be grateful for slavery.