Wednesday, 28 June 2017


Islamic terrorism is a bit like a bushfire; you put one bit out and it springs up somewhere else. As the fires in Iraq and Syria are quelled so a new conflagration begins in the Philippines. The town of Marawi is under seige as the forces of ISIS attempt to promote their ideology by the use of fear and weapons, murdering the innocent.
Mainstream Muslims try to argue that these people are not true followers of Islam, they try to distance themselves from this militant wing but it won't wash. The reason they distance themeselves from the militants is because to accept them as Muslims is to accept that the Qur'an is open to misinterpretation and if they accept this they must accept that the holy book cannot be the word of Allah.
The truth is, however, that this is the case and the sooner the imams and ayatollahs accept this the sooner the world will be free of this vile ideology.

Sunday, 25 June 2017

What a world we live in.

Bit of a rant. Sorry!

We learn today that one of the killers of guardsman, Lee Rigby is brainwashing fellow inmates with Islam and the prison officers are struggling to cope with it, despite the £1500 per week bill to the tax payer. We also learn that 400 violent prisoners cannot be deported, using tax payer funded legal aid to claim their human rights. It appears that the human rights of the victims and their families count for nought. Why hasn't this scandalous anomaly been corrected. Left wing, human rights lawyers and the European Court of Justice might have something to do with it.

The shadow chancellor, McDowell, has described the deaths of over seventy people in the tower block inferno last week as murder. In a calculated bid to keep the heat on the Government, he and his Labour party on the loony left are stepping up the rhetoric in a bid to bring anarchy to the streets of London, focussing on the July 1st march of chaos. The students will be at a loose end then, frightened by scaremongering over the cost of university education most of them don't need. The unions are being exhorted to join the revolution because that is what is being planned. This at a time when the Nation, leaving the flawed EU, faces talks with 27 other nations, needing support and goodwill instead of internal strife and obstruction that could be construed as giving comfort to an enemy, tantamount to treachery in fact.

Glastonbury is on. Who the hell are the acts? I've never heard of them and judging by the white noise emanating from the stage I now know why. Strangely the youngsters in the fields seem to know them because they are all mouthing the lyrics and waving things. I don't know them, the youngsters I mean. I was young once; I know, difficult to believe, I went to university, a very good one in fact, but I never felt compelled to camp out to listen to degenerate looking bunch of so called musicians. Nor did I feel compelled to sport a tattoo, take drugs or pierce my skin, let alone go unshaved. Is it any wonder I feel totally alien to the young of today.

These are the people being recruited to Corbyn's crusade against the values upon which the country was built and prospered. He is looking to this pool of wisdom to guide the country's future. This and a legal system that gives succour to the guilty and betrays the victims leaves me in despair. What a ridiculous, topsy-turvy world we live in.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Invasive species

A man from south Wales has been arrested for driving his hired van at a crowd of worshippers exiting the Finsbury Park mosque, killing one and injuring a dozen others. It was reported that he shouted out that he wanted to kill all Muslims but his family said later that although he had 'issues' he was not a racist. What was going through his mind? Could it have been frustration that whilst his personal situation, he was an unemployed father of four, was not being properly addressed, immigrants, particularly those from war torn zones, were being offered state or tax payers' handouts.

As I write, steps are being taken to protect native British wildlife from foreign invaders. Prominent among them are the red squirrel (grey squirrel), the crayfish (US Signal Crayfish) and water voles (mink). The list is not confined to fauna as the Japanese knotweed is an  invasive species of plant that has takns over from massive swathes of native flora throughout the country.
However, when it comes to the indigenous British People, the opposite effect is happening. Rather than protect the British and their way of life, politicians have allowed other peoples to enter the nation, propogate and in places supplant the natives. The reason is simple, grey squirrels, signal crayfish and mink don't vote but immigrants do and Labour politicians in particular want their votes.
Now the British are a tolerant welcoming people but they know when they are being taken advantage of. A rule of thumb is that conquering peoples like the Romans and Normans make the rules but immigrants should follow the culture and norms of their hosts. After all it's only polite. The trouble is that in the UK the expanding Muslim immigrant population is assuming the posture of conquerors, introducing their own sharia law where possible and spreading the religion of Islam as the native Christian Church shrinks. We should not be surprised because the Muslims have previous for this in North Africa, Iberia, southern France and huge swathes of Asia giving a lie to the notion that Islam is a religion of peace. Their aim is world domination, a global caliphate.
Comparing animals and plants with people may seem inappropriate, even insulting, but I believe that it opens a window on the consequences of laissez faire.
Diversity is good for us, we're told by the human rights brigade but at what cost? The UK, Germany and Sweden have seen the devestating effects of this mass immigration of mainly young men, as girls and women are routinely molested and raped, their lives ruined. When are the politicians going to own up to this treachery?
Could it be that the man from south Wales felt this injustice more keenly than some. Could it be that the politicians ARE taking the British population for granted. They are very quick with their platitudes when appropriate but mightily slow to show favour for the silent majority.
When are they going to look after the indigenous population of the UK as they should; defend and protect them as their principal duty before it is too late?

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Looking for a new author this summer?

Looking for something to read this summer? Perhaps a different, new author?

For more details about the author and his books go to:

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Manifesto of Hope

Well, the General Election is over with a shock result; shock that is for Theresa May and her team. The Prime Minister's campaign was as bad as could be suggesting too much complacency and too much reliance on those who advised her that she was unassailable.
I suggested earlier ( that a Labour Party in such dire circumstances would try desperate things but their answer was more subtle than I imagined; they came up with the manifesto of hope. Not the hope of the people for a better way of life, but hope for Corbyn that they could, after all and against the odds, pull something out of the bag.
It was simple because they had nothing to lose; the polls predicted a Tory landslide. The manifesto, in short, gave the people what they wanted; socialist heaven on earth. Lower tax for the workers, guaranteed work and higher pay, more workers' rights. More money for the NHS and care agencies, abolition of higher education fees, more policemen, firemen etc and repeal of all trade union legislation. There was something for everyone as long as you didn't earn too much. It was, Corbyn insisted, carefully costed, with promises paid for by soaking the rich and higher taxes for business and enterprise. In effect it was a giveaway, a Santa Clause wish list, promised with the sure knowledge there was absolutely no chance of it having to be enacted. Brilliant! This coupled with a low cost campaign concentrated on Corbyn's left wing hot spots gave the impression of an evangelical crusade; that Corbyn was on the side of the righteous fighting the forces of evil as epitomised by the 'nasty' Tories. It worked; the students, in particular, were galvanised into voting. They didn't want common sense, they had no ears for Corbyn and McDonnells reputation for sympathy with terrorist organisations, or their attraction to the economics of Venezuela, remember the last Labour government left the treasury empty; no they were following the pied piper, they were infused with 'hope'.  It worked, the gullible voting population took leave of their senses and voted for the Country's bankruptcy. It was as if they had decided on a policy of collective treachery as the rest of the world decided after the exit poll, selling sterling by the bucket full. What a world we live in!