Sunday 16 September 2018

Character and DNA by Prof Plomin

American psychologist and geneticist, Professor Robert Plomin has come to a conclusion on what decides one's character. He says:

'DNA accounts for at least half the variance in people’s psychological traits, much more than any other single factor. Put simply, ‘nature’ trumps ‘nurture’ every time, and not just marginally, but by a long, long chalk.'

see Daily Mail report:

This is no more but considerably less than you would have learned by reading:
Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions

This work which challenges scientific orthodoxy, defines (possibly for the first time) consciousness and the primary role of DNA in establishing- along with nurturing - the character of a person. It also, tentatively puts forward an answer to why people sharing the same star sign have similar characteristics.

Not that anyone will take any notice. A copy of the work was mailed to the Daily Mail years ago but went without acknowledgement of receipt let alone a comment.

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