Tuesday 11 September 2018

Motoring or the problems of motoring

With roads in the UK gridlocked and questions about the feasibility of electric cars rife I present the solution as given in my 2009 article in the Reader magazine.

The Ministry of Transport is looking at the problem in the wrong way. We do not need to have electric cars, we need to electrify the roads. In the same way that trolley buses operated, so we upgrade the system and put the electrics underground or under road.

To see how it all works click here

No recharging points or difficulties. Inexpensive. No car crime. No drink driving. No speeding. Policemen can fight crime, not motorists. No parking problems. Like the sound of that then read the bloody article.

Reference is made to my novel, 'Henry Bagshot'. This is available from Amazon under the title of 'The Lamb at Nettlesham'.

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