Sunday, 7 October 2018

Plato's dual universe explained

Let me start with a statement of the existence of a universe, 'u'.
u = u
Using the usual rule for equations we can now say:
u - u = 0
We can further say:
u + (-u) = 0             Note coefficients of terms, +1 & -1, the square roots of one
Multiplying both sides by 'u', we have:
u² + (-u²) = 0
We can go further by introducing complex terms:
u² + (iu)² = 0        where 'i' is the square root of minus one
I suggest this recognises the duality of the universe as posited by Plato. His 'phenomenal' world is represented by the 'real' term 'u' whilst his 'noumenal' universe, the unknowable part, described by Kant as 'transcendental', can be seen to be represented by the complex term, 'iu'.

The equation can be further refined as:
 (±u)² + (±iu)² = 0     Note the coefficients, +1, -1, +i, -i, the fourth roots of one.

The statement suggests that the dual universe sums to zero, the absolute nothingness from which it emerged a vindication of Plato's idea.

It also is a vindication of the Davies Hypothesis regarding the roots of one, unity.

For more details read my book, Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions (see margin).
Or refer to my series of short talks on you tube:

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