Friday, 12 October 2018

The evidence for the existence of souls

That there is an 'afterlife' is a question that has haunted mankind almost from the beginning. It lies behind so many myths, stories, superstitions from as many different countries and cultures that it is legitimate to ask if there is some basis of truth behind the belief. The common conception of the afterlife is that on death, life somehow continues, often in the form of a soul that escapes the body.
The idea was, almost from the beginning, hijacked by the priestly classes to promote their own ambitions, deriving images of heaven and hell to coerce the living into accepting their divine privilege to control.
The idea of a heaven and hell is an example of the two world reality of the universe as posited by Plato with his 'phenomenal' and 'noumenal' halves; the one we exist in and another, unknowable, a theme taken up by Kant who described the latter as 'transcendental'.
So; is there another world; another part to our universe and if so, what part, if any, does it play in the 'afterlife' story?
The Davies Hypothesis suggests that our universe is a duality because nature's prerogative to express absolute nothingness (pleroma) as a positive/ negative balance. What evidence do we have that nature does this? Because of nature's delicious paradox that there are TWO valid solutions to the square root of one; plus and minus one.
Could it be that we exist in one part and that the afterlife exists in the other? What is the evidence?
The Davies Hypothesis shows that nature doesn't only observe the reality of there being two solutions to the square root of one but rather that there are four valid answers to the fourth roots of one, two real (or rather one real & one 'unreal') and two imaginary, based on the square root of minus one, 'i'. We think of a length as 'real' and positive, only. Nature dictates that a length can be described in three extra, unsensed dimensions, two of which survive the transition from pleroma to dual universe.
For further discussion of this I refer readers to my book (Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions) or the series of short videos on you tube.(see link above)
Suffice to say that we exist in one part (positive) of a dual universe and the other part can be construed as being negative. This also includes the dimension of time, the negative time being reconciled, as per Heideggar, with the past.
However, as these dimensions all act at right angles (orthogonal) with respect to each other there can, therefore, be no 'trespassing'. Negative time, equating with the past, does not, therefore, mean we can go back in our own time-line. We cannot travel to the past. The past is something else but is it the repository of souls?
I think not. I suggest that souls have been conflated with character which is passed on; not at death but with procreation. Further, character is a trait of consciousness, the manifestation of the brain working in three dimensions of time.
By adopting this point of view we can suggest that following clinical death and before decay sets in, the brain still functions in 'imaginary' time, that responsible for dreaming, allowing some perception by the 'deceased' of tunnels of white light, gardens etc. The character of a person is an amalgam of nature and nurture, nature allowing the inheritance of a prior character (including memory) from a forebear from either parents. This ancestor, itself the product of a previous ancestor, can be many generations older. It is this that I believe has been confused with soul. Nurturing ensures that this character is always 'of the time'. Souls therefore reside in the continuous line of inherited genes in our world.

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