Friday, 8 February 2019

Immigrants in power

A survey of the members of the UK parliament reveals that as many as 51 members (out of 655 or so) are the sons and daughters of immigrants or second generation immigrants. There are another eight members who are possibly third generation offspring.
A further fifteen, however, are immigrants to the United Kingdom. all these people have passports that claim they are British but, I suggest, this is just paper. To be properly British requires one to have been born into a society built over not centuries but millenia. The total amounts to be about ten percent of the total number of MPs. These immigrants, by and large, come from Countries that can give no lessons to the UK in the democratic process so why do they feel they have something to offer?
These results make no statement about the political leanings of the members, they represent all sides, nor does it question their competence or abilities. Nor is it about ethnicity, it solely questions whether or not it is right that these newly arrived people should play a part in the legislature of the UK. To me they are being hugely presumptuous in assuming that they can just arrive and tell their long established citizens how they are going to live and behave. It is like being a newcomer in a street and being invited into a neighbours house only to tell the host what temperature to set the heating and what channel to watch on the television. To my mind it's rude and presumptious.
I suggest that to stand for Parliament, candidates should be at least third generation residents whilst second generation immigrants can stand in local elections to allow representation of and for their communities. Direct immigrants to the Country should not be eligible to stand.

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