Monday, 25 March 2019

Brexit. Update

The prime minister came under fire last week calling the behaviour of MPs over Brexit self-indulgent. But she's right. This week it is rumoured that this week they will vote on up to eight motions on which type of Brexit they want, though the general public had just two options; in or out. The electorate were not permitted the luxury of voting to be happy, wealthier, poorer; only whether to stay in the EU or leave. The MPs told them that they would abide by the result of the referendum and, indeed, voted overwhelming to trigger article 50 to initiate the process. Why the hell, are they now, with the collusion of Mr Speaker, trying to frustrate the process with a concerted effort of opposition? If they had reservations they should have told Cameron, the then PM, that to be realised the vote needed to be 60 or 70% in favour of either option. But he didn't and the MPs now need to do their duty and leave irrespective of the wishes of their constituents.