Friday 6 December 2019

Leadership qualities

Much has been made, during the General Election campaign of the fitness of the various Party leaders to hold the post of Prime Minister. In particular, there have beeen questions of the trust worthiness of Boris Johnson both in his public and private life.
It would seem that the news networks, ever on the lookout for scoops and sensationalism wish to unearth previously unknown stains on the characters, as if the public's ideal Premier resembles a whiter than white character. They troll through public utterances from as far back as possible posing previously failed ambition, regardless of reason, as unkept promise.
Johnson should promote his character as a positive. He should cite the example of God's choice for the first king of Israel. God did not choose a man of unblemished character, He chose a known, womanising reprobate with a record of ruthlessness called David. He chose the person best fitted for the job. The British electorate must do the same.

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