Sunday, 12 April 2020

Covid19 Medal for NHS staff

When the armed forces are sent into harm's way it is right and proper that their efforts are recognised and a medal is forged and awarded to those who confront the enemy.
The present covid19 viral epidemic is widely regarded as a war on humanity and the question is: should those fighting the menace be similarly rewarded with a 'gong'? One is asked to go outside on a day at a certain time to show appreciation for the NHS but why not do so with something more tangible. Everyone signed up the NHS from Jan 1st 2020 until the declared end of the crisis should be eligible for an award, a medal and a ribbon to be sewn on work gowns etc. One side of the medal should be the queen and the other open to suggestions from the public. A special posthumous attachment should be available for those who have tragically died of covid19 whilst on active duty.

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