Saturday, 18 July 2020

Police Brutality

When we hear the phrase, 'police brutality' we immediately assume it refers to the police inflicting pain on the citizenship.  In some cases the policemen involved (its nearly always policemen not policewomen because equality doesn't work like that) lose their jobs and livelihoods, possibly their liberty.
Whilst recognising that some standards have to be maintained, surely it is right to understand that apprehending a felon can be a physically and mentally challenging proposition, one not normally encountered by the general public. Different situations and different suspects require different tactics and I suggest that these can seem brutal but who are we to judge what is or isn't required in the heat of the moment. The police on the ground, those who confront danger daily, not knowing if they will be killed or seriously injured each and every day, need to know they have the support of senior officers and politicians not sacrificed on the altar of 'woke' social correctness. 
Would it be more convenient for the Police Commissioners if the policemen died in the course of their duty rather than face accusations of police brutality?

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