Thursday 18 March 2021

C. J. Sansom. Author. An appreciation

 In the ten years or so of this blog I can't recall reviewing a book or author other than myself. So now I feel I must say how much I've enjoyed two novels by C.J. SANSOM, 'Dark Fire' and 'Sovereign'. Well researched and beautifully written one is transported, in spirit and mind, to the sixteenth century world of Master Matthew Shardlake, barrister of Lincoln's Inn, London.

Edinburgh born Christopher John has been a real find for me, dissatisfied with the publishers promotion of largely American authors heading a production line of banality. I can't remember enjoying a book so much since 'Wolf Hall' by Hilary Mantel and I think its because the authors are so good at telling their stories with enough detail to authenticate their message without swamping the narrative.

And now to another book in the Shardlake series, 'Revelation'. Can't wait.

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