Thursday 15 July 2021

Tory Party Attack Lionesses

 Yesterday the Conservative member  for Louth & Horncastle, Victoria Atkins, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Safeguarding, memorably humbled the former leader of Her Majesty's Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn.

"I suspect I am not the only person who has felt a little bit astonished that it is this right honourable member who’s chosen to ask that question about taking immediate action to tackle racism…I am also reminded that a Jewish female MP had to have police protection at his party conference because of fears for her own safety. So I will listen to many, many people about tackling racism. I will work with pretty much anyone. But I must say, I will take a long spoon on which to sup with this particular member.”

Her assured performances at the despatch box, matched by those of Penny Mordaunt, the MP for Portsmouth North, ( see: make these two women the Tory Party's attack lionesses, far superior to anybody in the Labour Party or any others. I can see both of these ladies holding high offices of State. 

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