Friday, 22 October 2021

Past or Future. Which is more interesting?

 At the 'now' moment, the future and past coincide but as time moves on and the 'now' moment changes we can make some deductions on the nature of these aspects of time.

The future remains unknowable because it is yet to come into existence but the past has been experienced and can be accessed by a brain working in the three dimensions of time via memory. That is not all, the invention of writing has been crucial in the recording of the past, replacing  an oral tradition of passing on history as stories where what had been forgotten or unexplained was replaced with imaginings that through embellishment became unicorns, angels and gods.

The human brain has a great capacity for storing life's experiences and across the world this amount of information allows for a considerable recording of the past. I suggest that this information will be passed on to successive generations meaning that each of us is an encyclopedia of the earths history. Why then do I know so little? Because you don't need to access all this data in day to day life although some of it may be retrieved and appear in dreams. Images you never knew you had.

What of the future? At every point in the universe, except the origin, there will be an older part where development has been longer. If one could instantly travel to this older part you may glimpse THEIR future but because of the vicissitudes of nature it may be a vision of scientific advancement or a sterile desert of stagnation.

You can never know your own future. The 'imaginary' time working of your brain allows you to predict or anticipate what comes next but you cannot know for sure which leads me to nature's greatest paradox. How come there can be no 'now' moment, the present, without there being a non-existent future?

The answer, of course, can be found in my inexpensive booklet:  Spiritual Man: An Introduction to Negative Dimensions

Monday, 11 October 2021

Scrap HS2. Build nuclear.

 Successive UK Governments have been found out for allowing British utilities to be sold off to foreign Companies and investors or allowed to perish on the vine. All the time it is short term expediency ahead of long term planning as painfully demonstrated by the UK's current energy shortfall. At the mercy of overseas owners the price of Russian gas has gone through the roof, the French are threatening to cut off electricity; all at a time when the wind has dropped and North Sea oil has all but run dry. 

In the Sixties the UK were world leaders in nuclear energy technology but demands from coal miners led to Labour's decision to cut back on investment whilst the US and France, oblivious to Union demands powered on ahead. But that's in the past. What to do now.

It costs about £20bn to build a nuclear power station. The unwanted HS2 project is scheduled to cost £200bn. Why not scrap the train and build ten new, state of the art, safe, nuclear power stations to be run by the state? 

Use the land already cleared for the train to build affordable housing.

Saturday, 2 October 2021

The Death Penalty. A deafening silence

 In the wake of the trial of policeman, Wayne Couzens, there has been universal silence on the question of the death penalty. Why is this?

It is true he pleaded guilty at the trial, thereby saving the family of murdered Sarah Everard from going through what would have been a harrowing trial but nevertheless his crime was so heinous that many, possibly a majority, of the public might support his execution. That politicians and lawmakers don't want to reintroduce the death penalty should not mean that the majority of the public are denied a say in the matter. The UK is, after all, a democracy; isn't it.

Friday, 1 October 2021

Eric the god eating penguin

 I am grateful to Quora for this image by an unknown author

Of course, many of a religious disposition will scoff at this perfectly reasonable argument whilst many others will argue that to even think about the existence of God is blasphemous and cannot therefore be entertained. 
One has, sometimes, to remind oneself that this is the twenty-first century CE.