

Novelist. Author of APSARAS and tales from the beautiful Saigh Valley. First person to quantify spiritual values.

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Wednesday, 15 December 2021

What is 'unseen'.

 It's Christmas. Time to celebrate the birth of the 'Son of God'?  As the festival becomes ever more secular is it a manifestation of the world's population losing their faith.

If there is evidence for the existence of God then it would be rational to believe in God.

If there is no evidence for the existence of God then it is rational to not believe in God.

But what constitutes evidence? Does it need to be scientific evidence? If there is no scientific evidence then one must rely on faith as indicated in the scriptures.

In Hebrews 11.1 we have: 'now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see... By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command so that what is seen  was not made out of what was visible.'

This sentiment is also found in the Qu'ran. The sura known as 'The Cow'. 'The Qu'ran gives guidance to those mindful of God so that they may understand what is unseen and cannot be perceived.'

These pillars of religion acknowledge that they are sustained by faith. That despite all that is rational, God exists in that which is 'unseen'. To many, however, the 'unseen' can be perceived in those traits such as hope, love and charity (altruism). To Satan is attributed the opposites.

But can it be shown that these traits are merely the function of the human brain, not God, giving rise to the dichotomies we recognise such as love and hate and good and evil as mentioned in Ecclesiastes? That despite being recognised by the ancients they were wrong to dismiss the idea that it is man himself who is spiritual, preferring, instead, to trust in a supernatural being that consistently failed to protect from natural hazards?

My book, 'SPIRITUAL MAN: AN INTRODUCTION TO NEGATIVE DIMENSIONS' explains how brains function by working in the three dimensions of time giving rise the natural dichotomies and the 'unseen' traits we observe in individuals. By showing how our minds are responsible for such as love and charity, we can finally debunk the notion of useless deities.

As I have said before; whilst religions can be scrapped, we should keep alive the notion of churches wherein can be healed the spiritually ill in the same way that hospitals care for the physically sick.

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