Friday, 5 August 2022

Life itself

 Life can be summarised as a sequence of events; we are born, we live and then we die. In order, this is about the past, present and future which is as much as Heideggar stated when he suggested that all aspects of life depended on these three phases. It can also be described by the Davies Hypothesis which states that: the universe, its creation and evolution is ordered in the way it is because nature has to take into account all four of the fourth roots of one. Let me explain.

The Hypothesis leads us to imagine that where we normally see life in three dimensions, each of them has another two besides. for example if we see a piece of string we can think of it as a single dimension of perceived length, K , where K = k, the measured length. Note that the measured 'k' is assumed to be positive ('+k'). However according to the hypothesis, the piece of string also has dimensions of '-k' and 'ik' such that K = ±√[(+k)² + (-k)² + (ik)²]

where '+k' is the real length, '-k' is the unreal length and 'ik' is the imaginary length. 'i' is the square root of minus one.

Solving we have perceived length, K = ± k

In other words and ignoring the negative value,  although we have introduced two extra dimensions, we still only perceive the piece of string as it is. This, i suggest, is a fundamental fact of nature and applies universally including the ineffable traits and even life itself.

If we assume in the trinitarian equation above that capital 'K' represents perceived life, then '+k' is the present, '-k' represents the past and '+ik' the future, then by solving, perceived life is '± k'. Ignoring the negative term for a moment we can see that our perceived life is all about the present, the here and now. exactly as it should be. The complex term, 'ik', the future, doesn't feature but is nonetheless essential for without a future there can be no today. 

When one dies, there is no more today and the trinitarian equation reduces to: K = ±√[(-k)² + (ik)²] = 0

The same applies to ante natal consideration. At the moment of birth there is no past and 

K = ±√[(+k)² + (ik)²] = 0. In this instance, one Planck unit of time after birth life has a history, the full trinitarian equation applies and perceived life begins.

But what is this mystical quantity 'ik' that seems to be essential but cannot be seen or otherwise perceived? The religious will point to their Gods but I suggest that it refers to all life, not just humans. No, it is a miracle of nature that exists fundamentally because there are two values of the square root of one, one positive and the other negative. By this strange but necessary fact all the complexity and diversity we see in the universe is possible including life itself.

(Negative values of  'k' given as solutions to the trinitarian equation refer to those of our dual universe. Please refer to my book for full explanation.)